
Dear Dad,
It's been 15 years since you left. I miss what time we could of had together the most, more so than the memories. I know that you've been keeping an eye on me this entire time. I wish that the life that I've made for myself is something you could've been around to experience with me and that it's something you would've enjoyed...
Much love,
Derek, Dad would have been so proud of you! You have accomplished much and you have set your sights on goals and never wavered off them. He would be proud to call you son. Love you...Jan
March 8, 2010 at 10:39 AM
I have no doubt he'd be proud. In the years I have known you, you have been always determined at getting what you want...and gotten it. I feel the same loss as you with my mom...we miss memories of days we spent together, but at least we had those. Missing the years that we never had since they left are even sadder. But like my mom, I know your dad is with you every step.
March 8, 2010 at 4:40 PM
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