Scott Pilgrim vs. HMV 333

What a blast! This was the greatest event we've hosted since Drake in June... Scott Pilgrim vs. The World! We knew it'd be big but we didn't think the fans would start lining up at 6am. We started selling the graphic novels over the summer and they have been very well received. I'm not going to go into detail as to what they are about but the story is based in Toronto and was made into a movie that came out in August that was directed by Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) and starred Michael Cera (Juno, Superbad). It didn't perform all that well at the box office but has a certain "cult" following that came out in full force the day of the event. We offered fans a chance to meet Edgar Wright as well as Bryan Lee O'Malley who wrote the popular series and also one of the film's stars Ellen Wong who played Knives. Edgar also wanted to screen the film later on that night, so the first 75 fans in line got tickets to see the film at Bloor Cinema with him. The whole day was really great for me - the Universal PR team was awesome and we all had so much fun. They talent signed for over 2 hours and while the line outside the store kept growing throughout that time. We estimated that over 500 kids showed up, many in costumes and with their hands full of Scott Pilgrim related merchandise. The media took notice of the line outside as passerby's were quite curious as to what was going on. Later on in the day I took some of my staff to the screening and we also got passes for the VIP after-party at Insomnia. I've been to a number of industry parties but this was amazing as the talent totally mingled with everyone and the venue wasn't huge so it felt very intimate. Also there happened to be an open bar as well which is always a score... Definitely a day I'll remember for a very long time.
Labels: Bryan Lee O'Malley, Edgar Wright, Scott Pilgrim
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