I heart my gay dog
I always knew or at least I always should have known. My dog is gay. There I said it. I was always a bit suspicious, especially back the day when he still had his balls. He always seem to like my boy friends over my girl friends. Anyway today was the moment of truth, or I saw the light, however you want to put it, JJ showed his "true colors" tonight at the dog park.
We ran into 2 female chihuahuas at the park tonight, both of which were in heat. I mean obvious heat too... JJ took a couple of sniffs and decided it wasn't for him. I let him hang out with the girls for a fair bit, secretly cheering him on whenever they got close. They always say that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. Well apparently that can be said for dogs too. Now, now there will be naysayers out there who are thinking that he had no reaction because he's "snipped", but I assure you JJ has no problem getting it up for a certain plush toy of his. Oh well, life has taught me to be accepting of many things, so what's one more thing to be proud of.
Happy Pride JJ!