Feels Like Fall...
How quickly the warmth of summer disappears. You all know my of love of summer based on my last post but the reality is that we have begun to transition ourselves into autumn. There's something about this season that is very reforming. I think it's because for most of our lives we've seen September as a time for change. New classes, new clothes, new jobs and perhaps even new friends. It's the time of year where you tend take stock of where you are in your life and perhaps "course-correct" if necessary. After the fun of summer fades, we sometimes can wake up to the reality that our lives may not be going in the direction we think they are. Awareness is never a bad thing in my opinion so I think that using this season every year to assess where you are at with things isn't such a bad process.
The one thing that I always look forward to in fall is bringing out all my favorite wool sweaters. I generally hate to wear long sleeves but give me a sexy merino wool sweater to wear with my Diesel jeans and I am good to go. Working in my industry for so long, you all can imagine just how many hot sweaters I've accumulated over the years. Just last night I was able to throw one on as I took the dog for a walk. I felt good strolling down the street in my half-zip with a Starbucks coffee in one hand and the leash on the other. Fall fashion is very conforming in that way, after months of slumming it up in shorts, flip-flops and tees, the cooler weather creates a need to layer and with layering it's all about style. My sweaters of choice in the last few years all have had one thing in common - Argyle. Maybe it's my Banana roots poking through, but I love the statement this pattern makes. Unlike predictable checks and stripes, diamonds are forever. It screams personality and unconventional-ism which is ironic because the pattern has a reputation for being popular amongst the conservative crowd. But argyle has changed a fair bit over the last decade, most brands use bolder colors that make bigger statements than just using the usual brown, navy or black. With the colder weather outside we all still need to have a little fun and for me this little pleasure helps me get through it all.
Speaking of things changing, I'm about to move for the first time in 4 years which I'm really excited about. I think changing the walls around you does good things for the mind as it forces you to look at things differently. I'll be much closer to work which is something I really value. I don't understand how people can waste so much precious time every day commuting for hours just to get to where they need to go. I know that people make choices to live where they do so they can enjoy whatever luxury they get to have by being where they are. For me that luxury so to speak is distance. I'd rather live in a smaller space than have to spend an extra hour a day to get to work or wherever. I know that other people enjoy larger places where they can live comfortably with their families so the commute to work is the price they pay to have their luxury.
At the end of the day I hope all of you can find whatever it is that comforts you this season and just know that in about 6 months time we'll all be packing away our warm sweaters to make room for shorts and tees all over again. Bundle up!