Random musings from a guy who has been around the block once or twice...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

'Bout Time...

I'm totally aware that I've been neglecting you lately. Like a lover gone away - I abandoned you for a few months didn't I? Well fear not as I am back with a few lines about the crazy world I live in.

First major update would be that Derrin and I moved in together in September. It's certainly a first for me to live with a boyfriend. New territory is always a bit unnerving isn't it? I think that it's been an adjustment for both of us in the sense that unlike a roommate you go to bed together every night and wake up every morning together. I've been fiercely independent my whole life and have made it my thing not to rely on anyone because I like the control that comes with being self sufficient. This behaviour though has had it consequences because often it's meant that I didn't let anybody into my world that went against the things I'm used to doing. Derrin and I aren't perfect and it's not like the romance you see in the movies. We have our tender moments of course but for the most part what we have created together just works. Sure I wish he liked my music more and was interested in more things I am interested in. I think we'd have less waves in our relationship if this was the case. Regardless we carry on with what we do share in common and allow each other to express our interests through our friends. He adds tremendous value to my life and the journey we are on is ever growing.

Second update would be with my hmv dream. Very unexpectedly I was promoted to the GM position of the Toronto Superstore. You would only have to scroll back to my post around June 2009 to understand the significance to this event. I never would've thought my boss would go on to other things but due to circumstances he did so this promotion is bittersweet as he has left very big shoes to fill. Working with him these past 2 years has been the best crash course in learning about how to run the monster that is our store. A legend is this man and I was fortunate enough to work along side him. As the future of the store is uncertain, we continue to fight the fight without him and hope that the powers that be can see the value in our business like we do. Big stores cost money operate and without saying much more - we are in jeopardy. The Robson street location in Vancouver is prime example as to what I mean. Only time will tell what happens to us but in the meantime there's a team in play who are passionate about making the most of the time we have. They say you have the power to control your own future - what we all need is a bit more faith.

What would a post be without some music mentions right?

First off I am in love with the Dum Dum Girls - they just released their sophomore record called "Only in Dreams" on Sub-Pop records. Think old school Pretenders - I love their sound. Chrissie would be so proud. The singles to check out are "Bedroom Eyes", "Caught in One" & "Coming Down".

My next discovery is Lana Del Ray - her single "Video Games' is hauntingly beautiful and is a MUST to download. No LP planned yet that I can see but her other single "Blue Jeans" is also getting buzz.

Marina & The Diamonds are back with a new single that is off their forthcoming release in the spring. The track is infectious and fun and needs to be on your gym playlist right now. "Radioactive" has a hot video and some great remixes to promote the single and it should push the band back into the spotlight with their sophomore release.

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